News release

JLL joins Science Based Targets Network

JLL commits to define science-based targets to preserve nature and biodiversity across the built environment sector

January 12, 2023

Jesse Tron

Head of Global External Communications
+1 914 424 0299

CHICAGO, January 12, 2023 – JLL (NYSE: JLL) has joined the Science Based Targets Network Corporate Engagement Program to help preserve and champion nature and biodiversity across its own corporate real estate and drive engagement across the built environment sector.

Setting a science-based target for nature requires companies to gather value chain data, put in place systems to engage the value chain and business operations, and set and execute ambitious targets. As a first step, JLL is using the SBTN’s tools and approaches to identify its own material impacts and dependencies on nature. As JLL develops a full understanding of its impacts, the firm will establish a clear and transparent plan to mitigate impacts and report progress to encourage sector-wide action.

The firm is equipping its advisory teams across its core business lines with the skills and knowledge to enable clients to develop and deliver nature-related solutions for their real estate portfolios. In the UK, JLL has initiated a project to embed nature into the fit out one of its corporate offices to identify and assess impacts with a view to establish a blueprint for nature and biodiversity.

“Although JLL’s direct impact on nature and biodiversity is likely to be relatively low due to the location of our office portfolio, we recognise the urgent need to elevate and address nature and biodiversity. By engaging with the SBTN, JLL commits to define and implement achievable pathways for our business and support our clients in their journey towards the preservation and restoration of nature and biodiversity,” said Erin Meezan, Chief Sustainability Officer at JLL.

JLL has taken a leadership role in sustainable real estate, becoming the first real estate company in the world to have its enterprise-wide, net-zero carbon target to 2040 validated by the Science Based Targets initiative to the Net-Zero Standard

“We welcome JLL joining our Corporate Engagement Program to support innovative approaches to finding nature-positive solutions alongside those aimed at achieving rapid decarbonization,” said Jess McGlyn, Corporate Engagement Lead, at Science Based Targets Network.

For further information, visit

About JLL

JLL (NYSE: JLL) is a leading professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management. JLL shapes the future of real estate for a better world by using the most advanced technology to create rewarding opportunities, amazing spaces and sustainable real estate solutions for our clients, our people and our communities. JLL is a Fortune 500 company with annual revenue of $19.4 billion, operations in over 80 countries and a global workforce of more than 102,000 as of September 30, 2022. JLL is the brand name, and a registered trademark, of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated. For further information, visit